February 27, 2012

Bloomberg Pushes NEXT Migration

After an approximate $100 million investment and two years of development, Bloomberg successfully migrated a third of its 313,000 Bloomberg Professional Services clients on to its Bloomberg NEXT version of the vendor’s platform, according the senior Bloomberg officials.

The migration began three to four months ago and officials expect to have approximately 90 percent of the Bloomberg clients on the new version by summer before ending support for the legacy version by the end of the year.

Starting tomorrow and going through April, Bloomberg will host Bloomberg NEXT training sessions in 16 cities around the world, where clients can work with a variety of Bloomberg NEXT experts to help with the switchover.

Since Bloomberg officials wait until roughly a third of its customers are on a new offering before speaking with the trade press, most Bloomberg users probably already have had some cursory discussion on Bloomberg NEXT.

However, if you are not a Bloomberg subscriber or have been living in a cave for the past four months to avoid the Republican primary debates, the most important thing to know is that Bloomberg NEXT is the Bloomberg Professional Service. It may have a new name, but it has all of the existing capabilities as well as new ones and without an increase in the monthly or annual license.

February 26, 2012

Unlocking the Value of Your FIX Logs

Some time you just do not know the value of what you have. Just consider the Spaniards who discarded tons of a mysterious silver-colored mineral while mining for gold in the New World, which later would be known as platinum.

The new software-as-a-service (SaaS) vendor Cameron Edge sees platinum-quality data hiding in plain sight within FIX engine logs and plans to unlock it with its new FIXinsight analysis platform, which should be announced later this week.

“FIX logs were something that were chucked away at the end of the trading day,” says John Cameron, principal at Cameron Edge. “Some people might store them, but never look at them except when a regulator comes knocking on the door or when clients start shrieking at them.”

February 24, 2012

Community-Driven Innovation in the Capital Markets

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The second episode of the the Daly Post Podcast is ready for download!

In this podcast, we speak with Kosta Peric, the head of Innotribe at messaging cooperative SWIFT about how the organization is working with its members to foster innovation across the industry and what the first fruits of this labor might be.

Enter the Proximity Cloud

Ever since grid and cloud computing popped up on the capital markets’ radar screen, both architectures have been pitched as a cost savings technology that let users spin up virtual servers on demand and retire them as soon as the jobs they ran were over. In addition, firms can transform their capital expenses related to the care and feeding of internal clouds environments to a much lower cost operational expense by paying for just the resources they use by using third-party cloud offerings.

However, most technologists agree that cloud architecture falls down when it tries to run latency-sensitive applications. Most technologists agree that latency-sensitive applications function best on dedicated hardware, which avoids various levels of virtualization and typically are co-located with the exchange or liquidity venue. Cloud environments typically are located outside co-location venues due to the high real estate prices co-location vendors charge.

Speaking with Mark Casey and Adam Wray, CEOs of CFN Services and Tier 3 respectively, they believe that they have solved at least half of the problem through a recently announced partnership. If you are not familiar with the two 5-year old vendors, CFN Services delivers hosted co-located market data and trade execution capabilities to 70 global liquidity centers via its Alpha Platform. Tier 3 offers its clients enterprise-grade virtual private cloud environments within its Chicago, New York and Seattle facilities.

February 17, 2012

Start Listening to The Daly Post!

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A major shout out to DirectMarkets' Kevin Lupowitz, who agreed to be my first victim guest on the Daly Post Podcast. In this approximately 30-minute kick-off episode, we discuss how Kevin's firm looks to re-make the follow-on issuing businesses for corporate issuers by adopting an electronic crossing-network paradigm that directly links issuers to institutional investors.

February 15, 2012

Stopping the Spread of Greek Fire

One of the enduring mysteries of antiquity is the make up of Greek Fire.

According to records, the Greeks would use this nasty Napalm-like substance to set fire to enemy navies. For the unfortunate victims, no normal fire-fighting techniques could extinguish it. Once a ship caught fire, it burned until there was no more fuel left.

Sound familiar?

February 12, 2012

Two Tips to Drive Innovation

Innovation has been an industry buzzword for a number of years now, but what does it actually mean for organization? Or better yet, what do you do when you manager comes into your office and simply tells you to improve the innovation coming from your group?

A couple of good tips came from a panel discussion held during Innotribe regional Start-Up Challenge in midtown Manhattan last week.

February 11, 2012

Big Data Gets Up Close and Personal

If you ever wondered about the value of big data, just read this Wired article on what the data wizards over at Facebook are doing. They have identified the listening habits of members who have just started new relationships and those who have just ended relationships, so they can identify those likely to start or end relationships before they know. Sure, merchants would love this data for its targeted marketing value alone, but it also could be exploited easily for other financial uses. Imagine if you could incorporate this into algorithms that predict the performance of traders, athletes or anyone else. The opportunities are almost limitless.


February 6, 2012

Exchanges are Large Enough

It is curious how the financial markets can mirror nature. Nature has a way of capping the growth of a species so that it does not outstrip the available resources in its ecosystem.

After the European Union officials decided not to approve the proposed Deutsche Börse-NYSE Euronext merger last week, NYSE Euronext CEO Duncan Niederauer went on the record stating the era of exchange mega-mergers was at an end.  It appears that the global market has decided that the largest global exchange operators are large enough.